Looking to cat proof your jigsaw puzzle or the area you play puzzles? You, like me and thousands of other cat owners definitely have a tough time keeping the cats and the jigsaw puzzle pieces away from each other.
While I don’t know if there is any reason cats love puzzle pieces more than dogs, I do know it’s annoying. I have found myself asking again and again how to keep the cat off a jigsaw puzzle. So far I’ve found a few solutions, but the idea of cat jigsaw puzzles is a crazy way to live.
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Cats and jigsaw puzzles can be a challenging combination. I find that my cat loves to steal jigsaw pieces. He wants to be the center of attention when I am focused on speed puzzling practice and he loves watching the timer. His favorite and I know he loves to jump in the middle of the table with the pieces flying everywhere. Recently the cat plunked his butt right in the middle of all the segments I put together and wouldn’t budge. I found myself trying to protect the jigsaw puzzle from the cats.
Cat Proof Your Puzzles; Play With Ease
Here are several strategies you can employ to keep your puzzle safe from your feline friend. Being proactive is a great way to start. At least you can stop asking yourself how do I cat proof my jigsaw puzzle today? Here are some tips to cat-proof your jigsaw puzzle:
1. Use a Puzzle Mat or Roll-Up Mat
A puzzle mat or roll-up mat allows you to roll up your puzzle when you’re not working on it. These mats keep the pieces in place and can be stored out of reach of your cat. Ensure the mat has a secure closure to prevent it from unrolling. Of course, this doesn’t prevent your cat from jumping in the middle of the puzzle, but it cuts down on any missing pieces.
2. Puzzle Board with a Cover
Invest in a puzzle board that comes with a cover. These boards provide a solid surface for your puzzle and the cover protects it from curious paws. Some covers are transparent, so you can still see your progress without exposing the puzzle. The cat proof opportunity here does mean buying a board, but even your cat will be happy with the idea.
3. Store the Puzzle in a Puzzle Case
Puzzle cases are designed to hold your puzzle securely and can be zipped up when not in use. These cases often have compartments for sorted pieces and can be stored upright or flat. While the most expensive part of the hobby, it can be used for more than a cat proof item, it’s great for taking your puzzle to the beach, camping and even the park.
4. Use a Large Piece of Cardboard or Foam Board with a Cover
Place your puzzle on a large piece of cardboard or foam board, and cover it with another piece of cardboard, a cloth, or a large plastic lid when not in use. This DIY solution can be stored under a bed or behind furniture to keep it out of reach. Cats will be curious, but they definitely won’t be clawing their way in any time soon
5. Create a Puzzle Tray with High Edges
Use a tray with high edges to work on your puzzle. The edges can help prevent pieces from being batted away by your cat. When you’re done, cover the tray with a large piece of cardboard or a fitted cover. If you’d rather not purchase trays, you could use plastic buckets (empty and reused from food and other items.)
6. Use a Puzzle Table with a Cover
A dedicated puzzle table with a cover can be an excellent investment. Some tables are designed specifically for puzzles and come with a fitted cover to protect your work. Other tables have options to leave your puzzle at an angle and even a felt table cover.
7. Cover the Puzzle with Plastic Wrap or a Tablecloth
Cover your puzzle with plastic wrap or a tablecloth when you’re not working on it. This can deter your cat from playing with the pieces. Ensure the covering is secured well enough that your cat can’t easily remove it. I use plastic tablecloths that I buy at the Dollar Store and they work fabulous! It’s a thin plastic that detours the cat from even looking at the pieces.
8. Work in a Closed Room
If possible, work on your puzzle in a room that can be closed off from your cat. This is one of the most effective ways to ensure your puzzle remains untouched. Sometimes it’s not possible to cat proof a room that’s shut off. I know my cat would jump over the gates I have and I don’t want the door shut. So it’s all about the way your home is structured.
9. Use Deterrents
Place objects that your cat dislikes near your puzzle. This might include aluminum foil, double-sided tape, or a citrus-scented spray. Cats often avoid these items, and it can help keep them away from your puzzle area. Be advised your cat might give you a dirty look when you bring out the aluminum foil as they know it’s a cat proof deterrent.
10. Interactive Cat Toys
Provide your cat with plenty of interactive toys and activities to keep them occupied. A busy and entertained cat is less likely to interfere with your puzzle. And who knows, they might be more excited to play with their toys, than your toys.
11. Elevate Your Puzzle Workspace
If feasible, set up your puzzle on a high surface that your cat cannot easily access. A tall table or a countertop might work, as long as it’s a safe space for both the puzzle and your cat. However, my cat has no problem with heights, so it’s not always possible to outwit a cat with a high puzzle table. An adult cat can jump up to eight times his body length (which is insane, right? This cat proof tip may not be viable for many owners.
Cat Proof or Bust
The only piece of advice I’ve ever believed when it comes to being a cat owner is: Cats will be Cats. After decades of cat ownership, I am very aware this is true. My cats will do whatever they choose and sometimes they mess up my jigsaw puzzles. And more than once I’ve had them stroll through my online puzzle competition showing off their chops. Never fear, they are independent by nature and I (sort of ) love the chaos they offer. Hopefully by employing one or more of these strategies, you can effectively cat proof your jigsaw puzzle and enjoy your hobby without feline interference.