What are your puzzling rituals? Do you have superstitions when you play at a puzzle competition?
As a passionate puzzle enthusiast, I have always been intrigued by the fascinating world of puzzle competitions. It’s a situation where many people are focused on the jigsaw puzzle in front of them. To get their best times, they sometimes rely on things that work in the past, conform to familiar items or have other actions to do before setting down and solving the jigsaw puzzle.

Think about the latest puzzle competition you’ve been to. What you probably see is the thrill of racing against the clock, the satisfaction of fitting the last piece into a jigsaw puzzle, and the camaraderie among fellow competitors, that’s what make these events truly special. Yet, there is more.
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When you look around and watch the competitions, you will see intriguing superstitions and rituals that puzzle enthusiasts engage in before and during these competitions. After thinking about it for a while, I realized I had a few superstitions when I play at puzzle competitions as well. Yes, even when I compete at online puzzle competitions too.
The Impact of Superstitions on Puzzle Competitions
Superstitions have always played a significant role in human history, providing a sense of control and comfort in uncertain situations. Bringing the familiar actions or ideas to an area of what we do. Puzzle competitions are no exception, as competitors often rely on various rituals and superstitious beliefs to enhance their performance and increase their chances of success.
These superstitions might create a psychological advantage, boosting confidence and focus. It allows us to focus as rituals help establish a sense of routine and familiarity for peak performance.
However, it is essential to note that superstitions can also have adverse effects, leading to anxiety and distraction if they are not followed precisely. When a competitor becomes overly reliant on a specific ritual or superstition, their focus may shift from the task at hand to the belief that the ritual is necessary for success.
Unusual and Unique Superstitions in Puzzle Competitions
While some superstitions in puzzle competitions may seem relatively common, such as wearing lucky clothing or using specific types of puzzle pieces, there are also some truly remarkable and unique practices that puzzle enthusiasts engage in.
For instance, some competitors believe that arranging the puzzle pieces in a particular pattern before starting will bring them good luck. Others insist on solving the puzzle in complete silence, believing that talking or making noise will disrupt their concentration.
One particularly fascinating superstition involves competitors carrying a small charm or a lucky token, which they believe will infuse their puzzle-solving abilities with magical powers.
These unusual and unique superstitions add an extra layer of intrigue and excitement to puzzle competitions, showcasing the diverse beliefs and rituals within the community. All of the competitors are serious, have practiced, read up on all the puzzle tips and know they can push themselves to solve puzzles fast, but there is more.
How Superstitions Can Affect Performance in Puzzle Competitions
While superstitions can provide a psychological advantage and a sense of control, they can also have a significant impact on performance in puzzle competitions. It is crucial for puzzle enthusiasts to strike a balance between embracing superstitions and maintaining a rational mindset. What is needed is to maximize puzzle solving potential during puzzle competitions.
How to Develop Your Own Speed Puzzling Rituals
If you are a puzzle enthusiast looking to enhance your performance in speed puzzle competitions, developing your own rituals can be a valuable tool. Frankly, you might already have puzzling rituals and you just haven’t noticed yet.
The first step is to identify what aspects of the competition are most important to you and what resonates with you personally. It could be something as simple as wearing a specific color or listening to a particular genre of music before the competition.
Then you need to identify rituals or beliefs that make you more comfortable while you are playing jigsaw puzzles. My suggestion is to experiment with different rituals and observe how they affect your mindset and performance. Remember to adapt until you are comfortable., as what works for one person may not work for another.
My Puzzling Rituals and Superstitions are Crazy too
When it comes to puzzling rituals, I won’t lie, I have some too. When I first started playing puzzle competitions, I honestly thought it was ridiculous hearing how people had this puzzling ritual or that superstition. Until I realized I have a few of my own. Believe it or not, I won’t play any competition with a certain number (yes, that’s superstitious for sure) and just before the puzzle competition starts, I knock on the table three times for good luck and kiss the box (or bag or whatever) holding the jigsaw puzzle. While it does sometimes alarm the other contestants, my puzzling rituals feels good.
Jigsaw Players Embrace the Fun of Playing
Ultimately, the goal is to establish a routine that instills confidence and focus, helping you achieve your best performance in puzzle competitions. If puzzling rituals are what it take to help you focus and find your best time, then do it!